TCC Land Group Injected 8,000 Million Baht on a New Mega Conference Centre


The TCC Land Group, owned by Mr Charern Siriwattanapakdee, has revealed its plan to invest 8,000 million baht in a mixed used development project on Prasertmanukit Road (previously known as Kaset-Nawamin Road).

The development will consist of a conference and exhibition centre, office, and hotel with a capacity of over 2,000 parking spaces on over-100 Rai land. The development will also be benefited from the state’s infrastructure programme which is currently awaiting to be finalised.

The plan is to develop in three phases, beginning with the conference and exhibition centre sized 200,000 square metres and it is expected to take between 2-3 years to complete. Then it will be followed by offices and a hotel in the second and third phase.


Source: Prachachart 28.06.2558
