Knight Frank Thailand Hosts a Pre-Sales Event for “Niche Pride Taopoon-Interchange”, the First with 30 Floors of Common Spaces, Experiences High Level of Bookings, Reflecting Appeal of Purple Line Mass Transit System


The pre-sales event for the project has ended. It generated considerable attention in the market, capturing sales of over 50% of the project. Under the marketing and sales capacity of Knight Frank Thailand. This speaks to the quality of the condominium project as well as the prime location in the Taopoon area. Niche Pride Taopoon-Interchange marks the first condominium in Thailand to offer up to 30 floors of common spaces; it is also close to two mass transit lines and features the unique concept of “My Select”, where buyers can shift the functionality of the space to meet their needs. Currently, the show unit can be viewed at the sales office. Please call 1775 #39 for details.
